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Archives for March 2011
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September Favorites ♡ Twenty Thirteen
Birthday Card I got from Miss Amanda! Makeup | Beauty 1. Mac's Green Smoke- I've been using this color like crazy this month for go...
Embracing Autumn
Autumn..this means I like to indulge myself with cashmere sweaters, layers, rusty colors - even though this orange is a bit too bright to be...
Hello dearies, how is your weekend? I am stuck in studying, I still have exams but the good news is I finished my dress for one of my major ...
Winter Petals
Sorry for the absence, but I found myself with a full weekend, a bad mood and only yesterday I managed to snap these with my look of that da...
To be or Not?
3 | 4 | 13 ♡ Hello .. .. MARCH It's nice that it's finally spring. However, it's making me miss last spring even more than I...
3 | 8 | 13 ♡ Free (adj.) - not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be one as one wishes. I took this photo on Jo...
Chameleonic Connections
Allright people, I present to you the project I have been spending most of my recent time (plus other little ones), losing my nights, the pr...
More Fashion
I know it's been awhile but I promise , soon, you will see my outfits - if this is the only thing you're interested in; for now, I l...
Neutrals and sparkles
My trip went quite alright, ignoring the smelly miserable trains (that we almost missed), we saw the last Batman film - it was epic,not o...
Spring 2014 favorites
This season there were a looot of beautiful collections presented and I barely managed to make this selection with pieces which I think w...
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