There are many reasons for my absence, among them is my photographer's lack of time, the unbearable cold and the filth on the streets ( as you can see in these photos..a fact that I am not proud) Winter is troublesome, as magical as it may look while watching it from your window, it's not the best season for glamorous outfit shots.
I found this sweater in a thrift shop together with a very cool blazer that needs some mending, after that I will show it to you as well. This particular sweater attracted me with its beautiful color and it also has some shiny silver threads in it, I don't know if you can see it very well (I am becoming obsessed with these threads, I already have four sweaters in this fashion)
And don't you think this color goes so well with those raspberry pink gloves? I am so delighted with their match! I have 30 more minutes before leaving the house and on my way to see "The Hobbit"! I hope it will exceed my expectations.

Wearing: MiniPrix leather skirt, thrifted sweater and bag, random brand suede gloves, vintage earrings, H&M necklaces, New Look thights, Terranova hat
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